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Laptop Memory Upgrades - Can Desktop Memory Be Used in Laptops and Vice Versa?

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I am a computer enthusiast and accept been for the accomplished 21 years. Through this time I accept had abundant computer accompanying experiences, abounding of which accept accomplished me what it takes to auspiciously advancement your computer. Given my continued continuing acquaintance with computers I anticipation I would allotment some acumen into why it is not accessible to use desktop anamnesis in your laptop, notebook, sub-notebook or netbook (as these all administer here) and carnality versa.

For those that seek the abbreviate answer

Unfortunately except in actual bound cases, desktop computer anamnesis cannot be acclimated it laptops aloof as laptop computer anamnesis cannot be acclimated in desktop computers. There are a few affidavit abaft this and to acquisition out why I acclaim you apprehend the best acknowledgment below. Should you be addled for time however, aloof remember, laptop anamnesis upgrades cannot be acclimated as desktop anamnesis upgrades and carnality versa because they alter in size.

For those that admiration a best acknowledgment (recommended)

To acknowledge why it is not accessible to use laptop computer anamnesis in desktop computers and carnality versa, we aboriginal of all accept to abolish the distinct angle that break this rule. In the actual old canicule aback laptops were alone aloof actualization they acclimated anamnesis that came on SIMM's, contrarily accepted as Single-Inline-Memory-Modules. These were absolutely the aforementioned acclimated in desktop computers at the time, either in 30pin or 72pin configurations. As laptops entered boilerplate and so became beneath of a brick and added of a adaptable apparatus did this angle change.

Ever aback laptops became boilerplate they accept acclimated a aberration of the aforementioned computer anamnesis acclimated in desktop computers. For this acumen it is accepted for you to blunder aloft archetypal names such as PC2100, PC2700, PC3200, PC2-3200, PC2-5300, and alike added afresh PC3-8500 etc. that you additionally acquisition in desktop computer memory. The acumen abaft the all important "why" is that laptops are artlessly a subset of claimed computers. They are advised about the aforementioned attempt appropriately accomplish use of a alternation of the aforementioned technologies. The "why" abaft why they accomplish use of a advanced ambit of collective technologies is a affair on its own, but for now the best way for you to anticipate of this is that as a aftereffect of these, they are fabricated accordant and appropriately can run the aforementioned software and use actual agnate hardware.

So what are the differences you may ask? From the aloft we already apperceive that the key differentiator does not lie aural the anamnesis technology. PC2100 DDR anamnesis in laptop computers is aloof the aforementioned as PC2100 DDR anamnesis in desktop computers, and the aforementioned holds accurate for PC2-5300 DDR2 laptop and PC2-5300 DDR2 desktop anamnesis etc. The aberration is absolutely in the anamnesis bore itself. If you anamnesis from above, actual old laptops acclimated anamnesis that came on 30/72pin SIMM's, aloof as desktops did aback in the day. Modern laptop computer anamnesis comes on DIMM's, contrarily accepted as Dual-Inline-Memory-Modules. This is not about the capital difference, to acquisition this we charge acquaint SO-DIMM's, which are the laptop array of DIMM's.

SO-DIMM's are mini versions of DIMM's. Depending on the anamnesis technology they backpack onboard (have anchored assimilate their PCB - Printed Circuit Board) they will somewhat alter in admeasurement and the cardinal of pins they feature. For this acumen it is not alone accessible to acquaint afar laptop anamnesis upgrades from desktop anamnesis upgrades aloof by attractive at them, but additionally acknowledge why they cannot be acclimated in desktop computers. Because SO-DIMM's accept beneath pins, for archetype 144pins Vs 168pins in the case of laptop/desktop SDRAM memory, they are abate and appropriately bigger ill-fitted to laptops. Incidentally because laptops accept bound amplitude inside, this explains why SO-DIMM's were devised and alike goes as far as allegorical why some laptops today can be so attenuate and yet so powerful.

In summary

I achievement the aloft has been advantageous and you may now explain this to your accompany and colleagues should they anytime be in doubt. In closing let's accept a quick recap. alone actual old laptops acclimated the aforementioned anamnesis as desktop computers. This was because they were big and abundant and amplitude considerations central laptops were not absolutely an issue. As laptops became mainstream, and appropriately amplitude did become an affair were computer designers affected to ad-lib SO-DIMM's. These are appreciably abate than desktop DIMM's as able-bodied as now age-old SIMM's and affection beneath pins. Despite these differences, the anamnesis technology they apply is identical to that of desktop computers. If you bunched all the aloft calm to appear up with a autograph acknowledgment it would artlessly be this - laptop anamnesis upgrades cannot assignment in desktop computers because they are smaller, and as a aftereffect of this, will not fit central the beyond anamnesis slots.


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