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Is the Toshiba Satellite P100 the Perfect Desktop Replacement?

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Replace your desktop with a Toshiba Satellite P100. This artefact has abounding benefits. However, it additionally has some flaws aloof like any added product. Here is a attending at whether you can alter your desktop with a Toshiba Satellite P100.

This Toshiba laptop looks abundant and stylish. It has a actual able attending to it. The laptop is atramentous in blush with argent interiors and a atramentous keyboard. It is sleek, apple-pie and simple to use. But looks should not be the alone application back purchasing a laptop as a backup for your desktop.

Let us booty a attending at the abstruse specs of the laptop. It is has an Intel amount duo T2400 1.83 GHz processor on a 100 GB SATA (5400 RPM) adamantine drive with a 667MHz FSB. This laptop has 1 gig of RAM. RAM is one of the important appearance of a laptop as it helps the laptop to accessible applications at a fast pace. It has a 128MB NVIDIA GeForce Go 7300 cartoon agenda which will accomplish it accessible for all the business applications to open.

Multi-tasking is fabricated accessible with this new laptop. The laptop is accordant with Windows Vista. It can be said that it is bigger than any of the PCs with the best performance. This laptop does not get overheated and it is additionally quiet.

It has a 17 inch LCD awning with trubrite, which accomplish the affectation bright and crisp. The beheld affection is the best in this laptop. The accepted resolution of this laptop is 1440 x 900 pixels.

There are additionally some flaws. Firstly it cannot be confused about easily. It weighs about 8 pounds. This can accomplish it difficult to lug it around. Also, the array activity is poor. It has a 6 corpuscle array which lasts alone for 2 hours. So, you will charge to accumulate recharging it frequently.

If you can affected the flaws in the Toshiba Satellite P100, again you can absolutely alter your desktop with it.



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